Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday 17 October 2014

The Road to Hell is Paved.....

Oh what a day so far...
Job Interview in the morning.
Tried my best, but I know I haven't got it.
Never mind got 3 jobs to keep my busy
So I stay where I am for now!
Let's hope the road I am on, isn't the wrong road!
As the road to hell is paved with good intentions!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Slowing Down To A Gentle Walk.....

A day off, and making the most of it!
No rushing around for me.
Taking it nice and s-l-o-w...
Done tea already.
Chopped and put it all in the slow cooker for tonight.
Even Henry has made a overdue appearance today.
More baking later, and yoga.
Can this day get any better?

Wednesday 15 October 2014

More Layers Than A Onion

I feeling totally rough this morning.
No hangover either!
Not touch a drop of alcohol for nearly 10 months.
After kids & hubby went to school and work
I went back to bed with a Lemsip and a craft magazine to relax to.
Then time to go to work...
I had more layers of clothing than my bed.
My bed was so jealous!
Hopefully a bit of yoga later,will get to parts of my body,
the Lemsip couldn't reach!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Could Have Been Much Worst!

I knew when I hit and dislocated my car's mirror I wasn't going to have a nice day
The phone call from my son's school, I was proven right.
He had a accident, so I had to take him to Accident & Emergency Department.
Off we went. A bit of glue and some plasters,
He was good as new.
Except for his large bottom lip.
He has had lots of mummy love.
Hopefully the swelling will go down in a few days......

Monday 13 October 2014

A Bit Of Slap & Tickle

The rain and wind is back.
Had to surrender some blood to be tested
Made the nurse laugh.
Had more fun trying to find a vein.
I can be tight with my blood sometimes!
Phoned up the supplies of my dishwasher.
About #rubbergate from Saturday.
Can't do anything because I already have bought another one!
Motto of this story, beware of small rubbers!
 Go for the extra large ones!

Sunday 12 October 2014

Best Start To Clean The Rug.....

I had my horoscope for the start of next year 2015.
Buying a house??
Leaving this lovely house??
In January 2015??
With inches of snow on the ground and  the cold!
Are the flags going to go up if I do move out?
If I do get to move.
There are two houses on the Zoopla website I am watching
No million pound houses for me
No big houses like Hanbury Hall
Nice little 5 bedroom house in the country suits me fine!


Saturday 11 October 2014

Oh Dear,The Rubber Has Split!

Always happens to me.
Good news and then bad news.
Good news I won £10.90 on the Euro millions last night.
Didn't know the amount as the website shuts down between 3am-5am
The bad news.
The water pipe leading from the dish washer split.
Water,water, water all over the place.
Now off to buy a stronger,thicker water pipe!