Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Beg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beg. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Stop & Go!

Don't look at me in that tone of voice - Dorothy Parker
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
Nice warm hugs with brew!
We might have a day off from the rain..
(I hope!)
Woke up the kids for school.
Gave out plenty of wet sloppy 💋💋💋
Even the big big sunglasses went on!
Winter or Summer coat????
Summer coat with summer hat I think!
Tree Pic
Now for some fun in the sun!
Most of the car drivers are stopping.
The lambo came down the road....
So nice to see it in the morning.
10 minutes before I finished.Two lorries blocked off the side road opposite me.
Someone had a stop and go sign and was directing traffic.
I said to him: "Does he want to swap his stop and go sign for my lollipop stick?
Traffic was backing up both sides of the road.
I was glad to finished.
I went the long way home.
Picking up the newspaper and neighbour's magazine on the way home.
Emptied all the bins in the house.
(Black bin being emptied tomorrow) 
I made a vegetable tart for tea tonight.
Used most of things we had in the wonky box from lidl last Friday.
Once that was made, it was put in the oven for later.
I then wrote 2 blog posts up to lunch.
Light lunch time.
Some of the weather reports say sunshine or rain with thunder for this afternoon.
I decided to not to wear the sexy lumo trousers for this afternoon Lollipop job....
I put on Winter coat and boots.
I turned on my lights and walked back to collect my lollipop stick from Sexy Beast when he started to pour down with rain!
Then it stopped before I was due to start.
I went to see what all the drilling and blocking off the road was for this morning...
The rain came back, pity I didn't have my sexy lumo trousers on after all!
Pity my leggings have shrunk in the wash!
 15 minutes into job and the rain stopped and blue skies with sunshine.
I was getting rather warm in the winter coat.
I'm a bit glad I didn't wear my lumo trousers after all!
As soon as I finished the winter coat was unzipped and took off!
Gets home in the sunshine!
Now for coffee, crumpets and apricot 
Then back out for some 70's singsong...
I followed a white lorry all the way to work, I kept a fair distance away from it...
I gets in, and to my surprise, there was no delivery of toilet cleaner!
Beg, borrow or steal toilet cleaner I feel!!!
Good job I bought my own!
Loaded up the skip...all ready for today's work!
One cubicle is having a run on toilet paper.....
(It must be a favourite one)
Well used the blue mop tonight!
The order has gone in the toilet cleaner, god only knows when I will see it. I might have to nip into Lidl tomorrow to get more toilet cleaner.
Finished on time.
Back in the sunshine singing along with some 70s classics...
Back home in the sunshine.
Had half of the vegetable tart I made earlier.
It was so filling, hubby is taking the rest for lunch tomorrow.
I had a quick look in the today's newspaper.
Freddie Garrity  was an English singer and actor who was the frontman and comical element in the 1960s' beat band Freddie and the Dreamers.
He died on this day in 2006 aged 69. 
Now for some Sleep Tea..
Going to be dodging the rain again tomorrow...



Thursday, 30 July 2015

Only Sniffing The Bottle!

Where has the week gone to?
We reached one job Thursday again.
Starting writing number 6 book.
Making the most of the sunny weather
Out goes all the washing on the line.
We visited our local big Tesco store for  top up supplies.
My children couldn't believe our how much perfume costs...
My perfume only cost £3 (so no worries on breaking the bank with that!)
My perfume is Timeless (the old flavour,) as Avon as changed the smell and bottle)