Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Mixing Tears With Rain!

Please Leave Heather For All To Enjoy - Sign in Scottish Highlands
Welcome to my Wet Tuesday ☂
Breakfast and Brew.
It forecasted rain, but there was so nothing.
So I left off the sexy lumo trousers!
I took my rain mac, just in case.
Out I go...
I gave hubby a sloppy wet one 💋.
Then off to work.
On the way to work, the rain came down!
Gets to work.
I put on my winter coat, summer coat, and waterproof shoes. I walked down to turn on the lights, and walked back up the road to turn on the lights...
I walked back to Sexy Beast, and phoned up hubby to bring my sexy lumo trousers for me on the way to work.
When hubby arrived, he had picked up the wrong size....
I gave him a sloppy wet one 💋 for trying.
Now to get wet!
One red mini on the otherside didn't stop, so he had a BOING!
The rain eased off, but still had wet trousers.
Finished in one piece.
While it was raining, I went down to the alleyway which gets flooded, and all the school kids get wet feet walking to school.
I nipped into the Co-op for the newspaper.
Back home.
I sent a email to the County Councillor about the flooding.Let's see the excuse shall we?
Coffee time.
Just about finished the Pigs in Mud cake.
Just need the cocktail umbrellas...
Now for some lunch.
I spoke to hubby on his dinnerbreak.
Now to do the afternoon shift.
I was not risking getting wet again.
On goes the winter coat and summer hat.
Turned on one set of lights and then down to the Charity shop for a yak.
Coming out and turning on my other lights, I didn't like those dark clouds.
I get my big stick out of
Sexy Beast and goes into the square for a rabbit.
Once it was time to start.
I said goodbye to my friends.
Those clouds were turning more darker.
As I started, my Supervisor appeared with no rain coat.
Then it started to rain very heavily.
I asked him, "As anyone complained about me?"
I told him about what happened last Friday.
He told me not to shout at anyone if they decide to run out into the road.It is Parental Responsibility to look after the kids before I cross them over!
That didn't sit well with me at all. Might have to ask for a second option on that.
Then he asked me how I was feeling after the funeral of my friend.
I burst into a flood of tears.
"Compose yourself for a minute," I was told. 
Talk about Crying in the Rain!
Once I had finished, he left, and I went back to Sexy Beast to get out of my wet coat. 
Home time.
At least the sun came out.
Cup of brew needed.
I got the cake tins, ready for the cake.
I got my Council stuff ready for the meeting later.
I had a light tea, and hubby came back from work. He had a sloppy wet one 💋.
Now for me to leave once more.
On the way, nearly got hit by a white BMW who came out of a side road. He didn't like sticking to speed limit and overtook the next he had.However he couldn't get any further as he was stuck behind a car doing 20 m.p.h.
Gets to the Council meeting in one piece.
Before the start of the meeting, we have a tribute from the Chairman to my late friend.
I burst into a flood of tears. The fellow Councillors looking at me.
We had a good meeting.
The moon was out when I left.
Looked into today's newspaper.
Sleep Tea Time.
After an exhausting day,
I was glad to get into a warm bed!




Wednesday, 20 September 2023

In Need Of A Boat Soon....

Ducking for apples. Change one letter and it's the story of my life - Dorothy Parker
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
It is forecasting rain all day....
Sexy lumo trousers???? 
Breakfast and Brew.
I looked out of the window before I left and it was raining...
On goes those sexy lumo trousers....
Quick rush out to Sexy Beast.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
I had to go the other way to work as the road I normally use is still shut.
Waterproof shoes, winter coat and summer coat gets put on. I walk down to put on my lights in the rain.Then I walk up the road to put the other set of lights.
 I came back to pick up my big stick.
Near my start time, I walked over to my spot in the wind and the rain. As it was right windy and a dash of rain, I didn't stick out big stick too far.
One red car just drove past it.
One BMW had a BOING for going under my raised stick!
Lots of last minute braking in the rain!
Glad to finish in one piece.
Back to Sexy Beast to take off those lumo trousers...
I went back to the Solicitors to try and get my Statutory Declaration signed.
He did ask where I got this one from.
I said "A template the Council gave me, and he signed and stamped that one!"
I signed and said some words, he then signed and stamped it.
Paid £5 for it.
Out in the rain I go.
Off to Sainsburys to get my newspaper.
Dashed and got my newspaper.
Back home in the rain I go.
Nice cup of coffee is needed.
I write yesterday's blog post up to liquid lunch.
I checked my Blink and noticed two men had looked around my house earlier!
(They didn't leave any paperwork)
I sent a email to my Housing Officer asking if the knows of any work that is going to be done to my house.
I phoned hubby on his dinner break.
It started to rain again.
On goes those sexy lumo trousers again.
It is raining really heavy.
On goes winter coat, summer hat and waterproof shoes.
I goes and turns one set of lights.
Those dark clouds are staying put!
Goes down to the Charity Shop.
Has a good yak.
Nice new sex toy to play with.....↓
Says goodbye to everyone.
Turns on my other lights.
My other friends arrive for a rabbit.
I say goodbye to my friends as I have to fetch my big stick.
Once I wait in the square to start my shift, it starts to rain again!
Lots of traffic and some cars just stopping in the Keep Clear space. So trying to get people around the parked cars was proving fun!
The rain keeps starting and stopping!
Once finished, stripped off my winter coat, summer hat and waterproof shoes!
Home time.
In need of a special brew.....
I writes one blog post from June.
Next it was to make the tea for tonight.
In goes the pasta....
Fries up some lovely stuff to go in with it.
Hubby comes back and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is ready.
I looked into today's newspaper.
Time for the spreadsheet to be opened,
and bills sorted out....
We can't clalm the cost of living £300 payment :(
We have tried to claim for cavity wall insulation from Octopus energy, we will see in 10 days time.
The time just flew after sorting out the bills.
We just caught up with news and newspaper review.
Sleep Tea time.
Off to bed with my warm hands....