Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paint. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Pimp It Up!

A little bit of a lie in was due....
Once I got up, it was time to add the pinny..
I had some serious tidying up to do.
Dining room to do.
Coats in the hallway to sort out.
Then my mate came out for a play...
 (Not before having a cup of special coffee)
My new door mat arrived!↓
And my Meerkat dressed as Obi Wan↓
Now to pimp up my 1950's kitchen cabinet...↓
 with some filler↓
It's a good job, I put down some newspaper before I started to paint it!↓

Thursday 10 August 2017

Rub It In....

No chance of lie in today.
I took my dad to the Hospital,
While he was being seen...
I enjoyed coffee
Then off to have a catch up chat,
With some old friends...
More coffee...
My paint arrived for the 1950's cabinet...
 Now pass me over the babyoil,
Going to have a rub down by my hubby...

Thursday 4 August 2016

Caught red-handed

When I was very young,
I was bit of a...
 I was about five years old...
My dad was painting with white paint.
He was painting the garage door.
I kept dipping my finger in the paint,
Then adding a finger mark to the wall of the garage.
After a while, after being watched by my mum.
They found out where I had been putting those paint marks....
I was told off..
However after 39 years, they are still there...


Wednesday 8 October 2014

Stirring The Paint For Tomorrow!

The painting of the door arches starts tomorrow.
It will take 7 hours to dry fully.
So hopefully no paint marks on school uniform or anywhere else!
After painting, a bit of baking and a nice work out.
What could go wrong?

Friday 3 October 2014

Time For A Face-Lift...

Time to spruce up the house a bit.
The grout around the tiles in the bathroom needs updating
The door arches need repainting
The kitchen & dining room door need painting
Even the front lawn needs mowing again.
Better not start painting this afternoon
As the paint will start to appear when it's not supposed too.
On Uniforms, clothes, & other parts of the house
Thursday & Friday next week for painting.
Now for a bit of grouting.......lovely!